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Thank you, Gilligan Sheppard

Thank you, Gilligan Sheppard

When I first began working for Gilligan Sheppard, my experience and knowledge of marketing and accounting (this one is obvious) were fairly limited. Despite failing the ‘spelling test,’ Lisa and Debra took a chance on me. Perhaps it was because of ‘team fit’, and they...
KPIs are dead: long live personal goals

KPIs are dead: long live personal goals

A KPI is short for a key performance indicator used to measure your employee’s performance. They can be financial, customer, or process-focused. The thing is, generationally, I believe we’ve moved away from using them, and for some businesses, they haven’t even...
Caught up in a fast-paced world

Caught up in a fast-paced world

Monday morning begins. The predictable annoyance of the alarm clock melody pulls me out of bed, and muscle memory takes charge. There’s no time to spare. Two outfit changes and a coffee down the hatch. The door shuts behind me as I quickly jog my three tote bags to...
Stop procrastinating. Be like Nike.

Stop procrastinating. Be like Nike.

We are halfway through the year and about 180 days away from the next one, Christmas trees start going up in three months, and January’s intentions have been brought to my attention again. It sinks in, the thief that time really is. When you know what you want, do you...
Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

I have a few areas in my life where I call myself a leader or an expert, and sometimes, it feels like a big label to live up to. Every now and then I’ll find myself on a roller coaster of self-doubt and then a great result, which in the end was expected by everyone...
Is being hard on yourself, too hard on yourself?

Is being hard on yourself, too hard on yourself?

There’s that old saying “you are your own worst critic”, usually it’s something we get told when we deny we did a good job. And at that point, do you believe them? Or are you still convinced ‘it’ wasn’t good enough? We all exist within a little bubble we have created...