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Creating valuable and trustworthy content in content marketing is the foundation for forming and nurturing connections with your audience. When people trust your content and brand, they trust you to do good business. 

In this article series, I will be sharing my content marketing intellectual property – what I’ve learned in the marketing game over the last thirty years so you can do it yourself. A ‘content marketing for dummies’ – without the insult. 

What is content marketing? 

Content Marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience – and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. I can’t think of any form of marketing that doesn’t involve content. 

At MasterJack, we specialise in content writing. It’s not informational garbage to fill the space, nor is it trying to sell ‘stuff’. Content marketing is an educational approach that puts you at the forefront of your industry as an expert.  

How do you do it? 

Content marketing is a five-step process, which I will break down in the following articles, but here are the headlines for now – and yes, I know each one evokes more questions than answers. Hence this becoming a series. 

  1. Write an article. 
  1. Upload it to your website. 
  1. Send a newsletter with the article to your database. 
  1. Post the article on your social media channels. 
  1. Review the results. 

Content does come in different shapes and forms, but articles can be the base for them all. The keywords are found via Google searches, and the article’s content often provides a brief for an image/video/meme – but the foundation of all content is words. 

You will also be able to better curate your content based on the results. If a particular article gets more newsletter open rates, more likes on your Facebook page or even a higher-than-usual unsubscribe rate… then you’ll know which topics to spend more time on. 

Why should you do it? 

Your content targets existing and potential clients, which leads to many benefits… 

  • Drive sales – keeps you top of mind for repeating business. 
  • Connect with your customers – don’t let them feel forgotten. 
  • Boost your social media following – generate interest and possible shares to new eyes. 
  • Increase traffic to your website – all links lead to your website ‘click to read more’, which helps rank your website higher in search results. 
  • Create trust – be known as the expert in your industry. 

In the following article, I will share how to get your website content marketing ready. As is expected, the setup is the most important task to run a successful content marketing strategy. 

If this article has raised questions, please get in touch, and ask.